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It was funny to see all the videos with the highest resolution. All my screens are ultra-high definition but I only realized few days ago that, with my previous internet connection, Youtube set the videos automatically to the lowest resolution to optimize speed. With fiber optic, the videos looked awesome at Ultra-high definition.


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I had an annoying relapse with the vertigos on Tuesday. It was quite painful because my head was spinning all day long when I moved it a bit. I had to take the drugs again on Tuesday night. I wanted to vomit all day long.

10 kMS!

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smooth run and no weird thing affecting my brain!

Life with optical fiber is so much smoother! I love doing everything online and being able to update my iOS within 2 minutes (2.4 Gb). I am very sensitive to speed so I love not to have to think about speed when I download movies, nowadays, I do not even notice when the download is […]


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Just got myself another month of free trial using my new online credit card: Revolut! I like Netflix, easy peasy and it is in English!


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The specialist did decrease the BPPV but I am still having residual vertigos (RV). I took the pills one time and stopped, I did not feel comfortable with them, besides, the vertigos are less stronger now. All I need is 10 sec to fix something and they are gone. I hope they will not come […]


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A tiny crystal is loose and it is moving inside my inner ear. The specialist (ORL) used a complex apparatus to look at my eyes’ rotation and he located the crystal. Then the ORL used a sequence of positions to lead the crystal out of the canal inside my inner ear. It seems quite rare […]


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I am affected since Sunday night by this strange thing: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). When I change the position of my head, brief periods of vertigo occured and they were extremely violent meaning that I could barely stand straight or walk. My eyes rolled like crazy inside its socket as if I was posessed. […]


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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Yippppie! 200 Mbps! After 3 years of bitching at the company that should install the optical fiber in our town. My building is now connected to the fastest internet available: 1 Go /sec.

10 kMs!

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I am glad I made it. It seems that I had a cold yesterday maybe combined with some kind of food poisoning.

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