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I did not realize how much of a burden my Iphones 4S has become. I have to recharge it at least 3-4 times a day. I no longer need to endure this routine with the cheap phone and its battery is always at 100%. It is only used for its real function: a mobile phone!


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Technology makes you forget sometimes things that are readily available: 1. Export a contact list to a micro-sim card 2. Import that list to my new shitty phone 3. Export again that list to the Sim card itself (any other phone can read that information except Iphones)

wHy mE!

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I was picked to be part of a jury in 3 murder cases on October, the 30th. I will be invited to visit the prison, I hope it is optional. I am getting paid and reimbursed for everything that day. If I do not attend, I’ll get a freaking fine of 3750 Euros! dunno if […]

bEiNG mE!

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I had an excellent interview for a job position: International project manager! However I sent an email at 1 am to tell the director my conditions: 1. I asked him not to send a response if it was negative because I would figure it out myself past next Friday 2. I told him I would […]


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Excellent movie: Wind River


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What a lovely stinky dinner: tripes + shrimp paste+ mint. I think anyone would run away with the smell coming from this “mam tom” (shrimp paste)


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I wanted to boil tripes over 3 hours and I left my apart to ride my bike in the park. After one round, I realized with horror that I turned the power to 12 (maximum) and I was supposed to decrease before leaving. I rode as fast as I could to get back home. Luckily, […]


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Finally, I understood. The mother of the “fat” kid married his father and raised the “fat” kid like her son but she is not the natural mother. Geez! 3 years and few months to get the last piece of the puzzle! Why does the “fat” kid hate his mother so much!!!

a tHOught!

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One neighbor, an old lady, works as an event decorator (wedding, etc …) She moves tons of stuffs each time she is decorating a wedding room. I checked her stuff and they look like cheap stuffs. I would not want her decorations. I was curious and I wondered if the weddings in my family had […]


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While riding my new bike in the park, I saw 4 Indian boys shooting videos using a photo camera, a laptop and a homemade microphone. I guess these videos will be posted online in a Youtube channel. Just funny to see creative young minds playing. I also saw a bunch of kids training like professional […]

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