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I had to enter 2 apartments to help 2 people with their internet setup. It was really dirty and I could barely move around. I find it really stupid to have a sofa in a small studio. My studio is so big and empty compared to theirs….! It has NOTHING related to social activities, just […]


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I had lunch with my ex-colleague . She wanted to have news from the trial. I enjoyed her company very much. She also left her old position because she never really enjoyed it. She had problems with her daughter who became a real burden.


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They are much weaker but the vertigo lingered in my brain. I went for a check-up and the specialist could still see some involuntary movements from my eyes. He gave me another treatment and I will have another check-up in December.


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Every time I help people and let them enter my apartment, I have to clean up after they leave to get rid of their smell. I also left the windows wide open to speed up the process. Even people who seem clean leave artificial perfumes that I cannot stand.


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Justice League was not bad but it lacks a real story:


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wait Wait WAit WAIt WAIT!: that was what the “female precog” said in the movie, Minority Report. I wish I had her vision regarding the verdict that will come in February. I have a very high level of endurance towards pain, mentally and physically. However, I cannot control the excess of emotions during these times […]


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I had 4 people in my building asking for help this week with their technical issues: The old black dude from Senegal: crappy old Iphone 5 dying. I made a backup. The new woman with husband problems: crappy printer from Facebook: fake ink not recognized. “Coucous dude” forgot his password for windows. Resident 25 lost […]

10 kms!

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It was raining and it was wet. However, I managed to finish my 10 kms. It is the best way to keep me calm and healthy!

dA vOid!

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I am feeling so relieved now that I am done with all the trials. Also with optical fiber, everything is working so smoothly that I do not even have to worry about any technical issue. The building is under my control and all minor problems are also solved quickly with a simple email. My only […]


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It’s over! I only had 15 minutes to defend myself against my ex-employer: the verdict is in February the 8th 2018. Of course, I was the only one doing so! Lawyers have as much chance of winning or loosing a case as anyone for one simple reason: no emotions. The technicality of a case is […]

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