bEiNg hUMan!

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After 3 days of trial, the jury voted on the final decisions which were organised into series of questions:

1. Is he guilty? (Yes or No)
2. How long should he serve in prison? (choice: 1-20 years)
3. Should he be expelled from France territory indefinitely? (Yes or No)

The prosecutor requested only 10 years however the jury decided on 11 years. Never ever trust a group of jury! I had the impression that the jury added an extra year to punish the defender for his denial. Would he plead guilty, they would be more compassionate!

I was the most compassionate jury for this specific case… strangely! I only voted for 5 years meaning that he would be free since he has already served 2 and half years in prison.

The jury did not like the aggressive behavior from the lawyer and the extra year was certainly added to punish the lawyer!


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