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“Cervalas Orloff” and “Rôti de porc farci aux cèpes” were on sale, 50% off, and they were delicious for dinner:


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This is gonna be a huge hit or a … a flop! I’ve read the entire infinity story and it was such a mess with DEATH and MEPHISTO involved!


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I bought myself my Xmas gift before time, Elfes: Noirs d’écailles


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Maybe someone is telling me to buy this samsung S8+…I’ve got 402 euros for my jury duty and 80 Euros from Orange Bank. Unexpected and extremely cool! I love paying without contact with Apple Pay using my Iphone through Orange Bank! People were really impressed! Orage Bank was full of strange bugs however the 80 […]


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Horrible headache all day long! Time to time I forgot how weak I am.


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Wolves by Marshmello ft. Selena Gomez. I enjoyed the first 20 sec more than the rest of the song. This boy had a good start at it: LINK.


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What a shame I messed up one of the best picture of Lyn….it is quite nice in small format. The right frontal picture would be perfect if I had a bit more practice. Lyn is pretty and she knows that she is :)! She was posing when I took her picture. My sister will have […]

I just opened my 3rd credit card with Orange Bank. I wanted to have an extra month with Netflix for free and I wanted to use Apple Pay with my Iphone. However, once I setup every thing regarding the access and transfered 50 Euros, all I get from the app is a white screen. When […]


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Shine a light by Banners Silence by Marshmello ft. Khalid


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I had dinner with my brother and my parents today. I enjoyed the food and my time there. As I grew older, I avoid anything that does not relate to me or linger about things that only I can understand. It makes things so much simpler.

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