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Blade Runner 2049: imdb LINK Poor storyline! I was deceived. It is very hard to compare anything to the original Blade Runner and the soundtrack from Vangelis is just beyond compare!

bEiNg me!

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Last week, I sent out an email with a TO-DO list to the company that is taking care of our garden and backyard. I had no reply so I knew something was going on therefore I sent text messages by phone tonight to clarify things up: Me: When are you coming this week? The company: […]


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Fresh new song on the radio and I loved it and it’s FRENCH! Can’t Get Over You by Huko ft. Atlas


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To avoid the placebo effect related to my consumption of the three K.K.K (Water Képhir, Milk Képhir and Kombucha), I am noticing few improvements that might (or not) be related to these probiotic drinks: LINK 1. I am in a better mood (tryptophane in the Milk Képhir) 2. My digestion is better. 3. Finally, one […]

10 kMs!

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Smooth run! It makes me feel so good that I cannot allow myself to skip this regular and intensive training. Everything negative is washed away from my brain after this run.

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