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Just got myself another month of free trial using my new online credit card: Revolut! I like Netflix, easy peasy and it is in English!


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The specialist did decrease the BPPV but I am still having residual vertigos (RV). I took the pills one time and stopped, I did not feel comfortable with them, besides, the vertigos are less stronger now. All I need is 10 sec to fix something and they are gone. I hope they will not come […]


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A tiny crystal is loose and it is moving inside my inner ear. The specialist (ORL) used a complex apparatus to look at my eyes’ rotation and he located the crystal. Then the ORL used a sequence of positions to lead the crystal out of the canal inside my inner ear. It seems quite rare […]


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I am affected since Sunday night by this strange thing: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). When I change the position of my head, brief periods of vertigo occured and they were extremely violent meaning that I could barely stand straight or walk. My eyes rolled like crazy inside its socket as if I was posessed. […]


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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Yippppie! 200 Mbps! After 3 years of bitching at the company that should install the optical fiber in our town. My building is now connected to the fastest internet available: 1 Go /sec.

10 kMs!

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I am glad I made it. It seems that I had a cold yesterday maybe combined with some kind of food poisoning.

Finally, the technician should come in the morning to connect my apartment and if all goes well, I should have a nice 200 Mbps speed. I did not want to pay more for 1024 Mbps (1 Go/sec) because I rarely see anything as fast as 45 Mbps.


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I had dizziness and nausea yesterday. It was quite unusual to feel the world spinning around me. I barely had time to walk straight to the bathroom to vomit. Maybe something I ate. I will check with the doctor tomorrow.

It’s one of my favorite street food from Vietnam and I prepared myself a nice “Bánh cuốn” dish this afternoon. I bought the main part and added myself all the herbs and the sauce (nuoc mam). I live to eat good food and not “eat to live”.

I kept on asking for an exemption for my income tax last year, and this year, I even added the decision from the court to freeze the bank mortgage. It seems that something might have worked since I received a tax refund today! Happy Happy Happy! I need the same refund for my housing and […]

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