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Lovely free Mastercard that does instant payment transfers from other credit cards. I use it like a cash card. Everything I buy or the money I transfer from my other card are instantaneous, meaning that I can see on my phone through the app the operation in real time, there is no delay! I just […]


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“Couscous” dude, who has moved out few months ago, came back yesterday and asked me few questions. It seems that someone, in our building, wants to move out and he wants to take over this apartment. Anyways, he had to wait for 3 years to get a room and a living room for his family […]


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It was time to clean the fridge … meaning lots of food went directly to the trash! Luckily I have a small fridge, just enough for my personal use. I never had a huge fridge. I learned to live with these small fridges except when I was in Australia, the fridge came with the apartment.


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In my building, life is hard for most people. However, people do not have time to find a better solution. I know for fact that, even if I tell them about a solution, it would be somewhere at the end of their priority list because all they want is to forget about these annoying problems. […]


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I know now what triggered my vertigos or amplified them. I had a minor cold again and I coughed and sneezed loudly. It immediately affected my inner ears. My head was spinning when I was at the supermarket. I immediately held onto something, I breathed calmly and I sat down when I could. I cannot […]


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So beautiful! Especially in 4K!


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It was funny to see all the videos with the highest resolution. All my screens are ultra-high definition but I only realized few days ago that, with my previous internet connection, Youtube set the videos automatically to the lowest resolution to optimize speed. With fiber optic, the videos looked awesome at Ultra-high definition.


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I had an annoying relapse with the vertigos on Tuesday. It was quite painful because my head was spinning all day long when I moved it a bit. I had to take the drugs again on Tuesday night. I wanted to vomit all day long.

10 kMS!

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smooth run and no weird thing affecting my brain!

Life with optical fiber is so much smoother! I love doing everything online and being able to update my iOS within 2 minutes (2.4 Gb). I am very sensitive to speed so I love not to have to think about speed when I download movies, nowadays, I do not even notice when the download is […]

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