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I went to a nice Vietnamese restaurant and I went to the theater to watch Geostorm. I wanted to purge my mind from the excess of reality in a sad world!


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Of course, I was the last pick to become one of the jury, so unlucky! Indeed, 2 young black dudes were picked before me but the lawyers recused them right away. The lawyers have the right to recuse 4 people amongst the ones picked randomly each time. Someone’s life has flipped into madness because of […]

jUrY dUty!

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Today, I attended the first session for my jury duty. I was excused for next week duty since I have my trial against my ex-employer. I am glad I do not have to attend the cases next week because it is a rape and a murder. I do get 95 Euros per day if I […]


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Whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons

10 kms!

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Good run…! I had to interrupt last week 10 Kms because of the vertigos. I still have minor vertigos but they are not as strong. My brain cannot find the vertical immediately anyhow since the BPPV.


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My computer is so smooth and the fast internet speed so nice. I am almost bored for not finding anything wrong with my PC. Everything reacted at a click and any links showed up instantaneously. I wanted to play Diablo 3 again yesterday with a new class: necromancer. It took me 15 secondes to download […]


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The “fat” kid (no longer fat) wanted to borrow 9 Euros for some emergency, I simply told him that I did not have coins. I avoided to lend any cash to people in this building. Most people noticed that I controlled all the sub-contractors working for the building so they all thought that I have […]


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I immediately went to check to see if all my devices were properly using this 1 Gbit/s Ethernet port and it seems that only my PC can (LAN 2): My Xbox 360 and my TV are only using 100 Mbit/sec max. It is excellent but still I want them all to be 1 Gbit/s compatible.


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I was too tempted to add the extra option 5 E/m to have the fastest speed: 1 Gb/sec and it was awesome!

I enjoyed very much Thor: Ragnarok.

keep looking »