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I noticed a few months ago that two girls living in the second building kept on staring at me for unknown reasons. Finally, their mother found enough courage to come and talk to me about a problem that bothered her for some times: The mother: I have to keep my girls’ bikes in my living […]


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I just made my first Komucha and water Kéfir. I hope my SCOBY and my grains of Kefir will not die on my first try! I would get mad otherwise. It will take 3 days for the Kéfir to grow and the Komucha will take a week or so. It costs a lot of money […]


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Since I got rid of the Helicobacter Pylori, I tried to take care of my digestive system. So I bought Kephyr and Scoby to prepare probiotic drinks that contain billions of good bacteria. Health benefits: LINK Water Kephyr grains: LINK


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After the neck pain (torticollis) now a cold. My body is so weak, every time I get stressed out before a job interview or a trial, my body reacts to the stress and I get sick. It is a minor cold so I could resume sport after 3 days but I am coughing. Ironically, I […]

I just shot myself with the new vaccine 2017-2018: Vaxigrip.


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This guy is funny as hell and the cooking is so much nicer! The first comment of his video was hilarious as well: IT’S ALIVE WITH BRAD “so every kombucha he made always have little bit spit of his his mouth?”

About a year and half ago I had to face 3 problems that could not be solved easily without a legal battle: My ex-employer My mortgage The control of the building I managed to solve problem 2 by blocking the bank for 2 years For problem 3, I took control of the building by exposing […]

10 kms!

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I had to take a week off from sport because of my neck pain (torticollis). Today I resumed the 10 kms and it was very smooth and extremely enjoyable.


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I bought the mother colony of a SCOBY(symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) on Ebay: LINK Health benefits: LINK


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These scumbags are horrible. When I was at court, there were only 3 trials: the lawyer against me was one hour late, one lawyer thought his trial was for the afternoon and the last lawyer was not even there! The judge commented loudly: The trials were scheduled for 9:30 not 12! When finally the lawyers […]

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