bEiNG mE!

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I had an excellent interview for a job position: International project manager! However I sent an email at 1 am to tell the director my conditions: 1. I asked him not to send a response if it was negative because I would figure it out myself past next Friday 2. I told him I would […]


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Excellent movie: Wind River


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What a lovely stinky dinner: tripes + shrimp paste+ mint. I think anyone would run away with the smell coming from this “mam tom” (shrimp paste)


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I wanted to boil tripes over 3 hours and I left my apart to ride my bike in the park. After one round, I realized with horror that I turned the power to 12 (maximum) and I was supposed to decrease before leaving. I rode as fast as I could to get back home. Luckily, […]


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Finally, I understood. The mother of the “fat” kid married his father and raised the “fat” kid like her son but she is not the natural mother. Geez! 3 years and few months to get the last piece of the puzzle! Why does the “fat” kid hate his mother so much!!!

a tHOught!

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One neighbor, an old lady, works as an event decorator (wedding, etc …) She moves tons of stuffs each time she is decorating a wedding room. I checked her stuff and they look like cheap stuffs. I would not want her decorations. I was curious and I wondered if the weddings in my family had […]


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While riding my new bike in the park, I saw 4 Indian boys shooting videos using a photo camera, a laptop and a homemade microphone. I guess these videos will be posted online in a Youtube channel. Just funny to see creative young minds playing. I also saw a bunch of kids training like professional […]


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My proton email is so clean compared to my other emails full of spams. I now have 2 VPN servers and one VPN is even installed on my Iphone 6S just in case I need it. When I go shopping, I kept on checking the cameras and asking myself who is watching? Everytime I dive […]

mY ToWn!

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Violence is always present in my city and around it. Every month there is something around my place: LINK. Yesterday, there were 3 policemen chasing after a dude who ran through the parking of our building and who jumped over our fences. I am used to these events since I was not affected them.

My favorite food market is closing. Very sad! No more good meals from all over the world!

keep looking »