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My cousin and her parents stopped by to drop her dog, Lucky, since they’ll leave for the US next week. We watched some Youtube videos on my brother’s TV using the Chromecast 2. Since my little cousin devoted herself to visit her older cousins, I lent her one of my phone Sim cards so that […]


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I sent the translation of 3 documents in French as requested by the judges to the idiotic lawyer. My final sentence was crystal clear: “Please comply to the law requirements and, at the next hearing, the decision of the jury is the only thing that matters!” In other words, I am not interested in answering […]


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The other lawyer sent me a full page of bullshit. He wants to know the name of my next lawyer, my new conclusions, my translations. He never met anyone like me! I don’t feel like answering his letter.

10 kMs!

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It was pure joy! I even ran faster than a regular runner and I left him far behind. Most runners in the park only saw me on my bike. I also had the ultrasound tests for my hepatitis B and everything is back to normal. The doctor had nothing to say. Good! I will see […]


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I haven’t heard about these phone services until now. Some users use them to cancel for free their phone subscriptions while keeping their phone number.  and onoff.


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“Da couscous dude” is finally moving out with his 2 noisy kids: 4 people living in a small studio like mine. They are making kids simply to justify their legal status. The whole building is full of people in the same situation. I noticed that his new place is like mine, without a balcony and […]


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Now that I have 4 Sim cards on 4G, the technician from the cable company finally came to connect our building to the cable network of our city. Finally, the optic fiber cable has been installed in my street. Such is life! Bittersweet is the feeling of life!

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