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I was running my 10 Kms and at the last 1 km to my apartment, I felt a horrible pain below my armpit. It was like if someone stuck a needle there. I had to move my left arm up to relieve the pain. I kept running back home. I only realized few hours later […]


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The book, “All the birds in the sky” by Charlie Jane Anders, was excellent. Very light and extremely well written! another excellent Sci-Fi book.


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I am sore all around my hips. I guess the cleaning yesterday took its toll today. I was using different kind of muscles that weren’t used usually.

10 kms!

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Smooth run! All I need is to convince myself that I will have rosy cheeks and that I will feel great after the run. It remains a mental challenge to do so each time! My leg muscles are hard as steel from the regular biking and running.


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I unplugged all my devices and moved them away so that I can do a deep cleaning of my favorite corner of the room. There was a thick layer of dirt to be removed. I did the same thing for my closet.


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I cannot believe how much “Valerian and the city of a thousand planets” sucks. 200 Million dollars for a dull B-rated movie full of costly special effects. No story and no sound: such a waste!

I finished the book “Ready Player One” written by Ernest Cline. Good Sci-fi book about the pop culture of the 80’s through the eyes of a boy who lives in the future 2045!


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There are major windows updates for my three PC/laptops. I am glad I have extra Gigabytes from my 3 Sim cards on 4G because these updates were quite heavy. It would last for ever on my slow ass ADSL. I also updated my Iphone 6S to the latest iOS 10.3.3, I initially wanted to keep […]


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Interesting new movie trailers! Since I cannot watch “Player one ready“, I will read the book that was a best Sci-Fi seller in 2011 written by Ernest Cline.


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Baby driver was excellent! However what was really nice were the dancing and the songs in this action movie turned dancing flick! Then I discovered why the actor was chosen:

keep looking »