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There are few days in life when you are really proud of yourself but today was one of these days. I called the bank dude who was supposed to “manage” my case and I enjoyed every second of the phone call:

Me: Hello, My name is XXX, you remember me? A year ago, I asked you to suspend my mortgage for 2 years WITHOUT any interest and you did not comply!
Mr. Dude: yes Mr XXX
Me: Guess what? I just received the judgement and it says: 24 months without any interest or penalty! HA HA!
Mr Dude: We will apply the court decision when we will receive it.
Me: Do not worry, you’ll it get tomorrow… bye bye!

I control time therefore I control money:

655 Euros * 24 months = 15 720 Euros.

La La la La La : 1079 Euros in da POCKET!


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