dA pAst!

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I called my aunt who lives in the US yesterday because my dad said that he could not reach her several times. It was like a plunge in the past. I am just glad to know that she is still alive however she has serious physical problems due to an unhealthy lifestyle. It reminded me […]


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My brother always asked me this funny question: Why did you do that or this if, in the end, you end up paying or it won’t change anything? My answer is simple: I control people’s T-I-M-E. There is nothing more precious than T-I-M-E. With a single request that cost me 2 min, I inflicted a damage […]

I loved the music and the dance story: Solo Dance by Martin Jensen


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I won 5 Euros at the lottery; I sold back my Chromecast 2 for 30 E (got it for 25). Da dude even asked me if I had another one. I bought another Chromecast 2 for 18 Euros.


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Google has implemented an algorithm that will reject all illegal download links. I no longer use Google for my illegal search but Tor instead


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I found this drill in the trash room of our building and I knew it would be useful to someone. I did not want to throw it away. I posted it for 5 Euros on a french site to sell cheap things (leboncoin). Six people answered immediately. The dude who answered first was from Togo […]

2nD tRial!

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I had fun at the hearing of my 2nd trial. The stupid company that owns half of the building tried to bully me. I was all prepped-up and very charming in my unique suit. Calmly, I asked the judge to postpone the hearing due to the fact that the lawyer sent his documents last week. […]

57.8 kGs!

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Perfect weight! I cannot get fat otherwise I’d get chubby cheeks. I had lunch with my ex-colleague and she told me that her “to be” daughter-in-law underwent a gastric sleeve.  It consists of reducing 85 % of the stomach size. I am glad that I do not have such problems.


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My stomach is really my second brain. I am eating better, I am sleeping better and I am feeling really good. No more pills for headaches or any type of pain. They come and go away after a good night of sleep. No more lingering pain of unknown sources or causes. Perfect sleeping patterns and […]


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Elizabeth Taylor by Clare Maguire

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