My 2 favorites super food and I eat them everyday: pollen and pears

fOX eArs!

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A neighbor came and asked me to check strange noises heard in his apartment. It took me 2 min to locate the noise coming from a kid toy right in front of his TV. I surprised myself with my newly discovered fox’s ears. The dude came too quickly to the conclusion that the noise must […]


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I played the online game chess again. I need to stop these 5 min games. Very intense! It seems that neither my parents nor my brother have Helicobacter pylori… WHY ONLY ME? Same thing for Hepatitis B. It seems that I am the lucky one regarding all weird diseases.


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I would like to move abroad! June 2017 is the final month where all the things I have planned for will come to an end in France. I find France really boring and there is nothing for me to look forward to in France.


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It was a bit painful to run 10 kms under 32 degrees Celsius.


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There is a huge store center near the airport that is open 7/7 days. I enjoy very much the expensive Mark & Spencer food store. I love their excellent food that is from all over the world. I cannot afford their price every day but I never hesitate to buy the last day deals to […]


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I witnessed a burned car 4 weeks ago and I forgot to share the picture until my cousin shared her own video of a burned car today. I had the impression that mine was more impressive so here is the moment I forgot to share :


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My legs are sore after the 10 kms. I am staying in bed and listening to smooth ambiance jazz to relax. Enjoying my Iphone 6S.

10 kms!

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I am feeling really good after this morning run. I took a break from running and I preferred biking instead because running hurt my feet. The stamina is still here and the blood is rushing nicely through the whole body.


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September Song by JP Cooper

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