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Life is really unfair. My brother and my parents have access to optical fiber for internet and they also have access to 4G LTE Advanced. They have the 2 fastest speed available at the same time. I would love to have at least one. 4G isn’t too bad where I am however I am being picky. Not […]

I’ve started the 10-days treatment against helicobacter pylori: 12 pills of pylera, combination of 2 antibiotics, per day (3 pills after each meal and 3 before bed) 2 pills of an IPP, omeprazole  After 2 days, I am feeling good, very good! I wonder whether the antibiotics killed other things besides this bacteria. Besides minor diarrhoea […]


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According to the letter from the specialist, the loss of blood had nothing to do with alcohol, it was just an accident that both happened at the same time. I made a mistake and I thought AINS meant alcohol. AINS means: Anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien (example: Ibuprofène) Indeed, the specialist checked everything and he only found […]

Here is the specialist’s letter to my “general doctor” in french: Madame et chère Consoeur Vous trouverez ci-joint les comptes rendus des examens endoscopiques de votre patient Monsieur XXX, né le XX, suite à la découverte d’une anémie microcytaire assez sévère à 8,7 g d’hémoglobine et notion d’un mélæna très probablement en rapport avec la […]

I had an appointment with the specialist who is following my hepatitis B for 3 years now. Funny old doctor with a sharp tongue and lots of wits for his age! He is extremely smart! I learned to stay quiet and to answer only when he asks me questions… no need for extra chit chat […]

I have never been good at getting cheap deals for anything other than high-tech stuffs. However the site dealabs made my life so much easier! Especially if the deals are in my everyday stores! 3 liters of a branded soap and a kick ass toothpaste: 1.15 Euros


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Excellent song, I thought the singer was a girl! Million Eyes by Loic Nottet

It is the cheapest and the most efficient cleaner I have ever used in my studio. Every now and then I buy 10 liters of white vinegar for 6 Euros and I add the boiled white vinegar to my dishwasher and my washing machine for 3-4 hours. I also leave all my faucet heads in […]

10 kms!

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Tada tada tada! Very smooth!

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