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Sharing my first playlist:


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Fresh tune from an ad: Rochas Diligence Can it be possible that someone got inspired by this funny song:This head I hold by Electric Guest


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There were lots of Kung-fu stories during my teen years, these chinese stories are on Dailymotion. Quite nice to find some familiar faces and cool scenes from my past! I am streaming them on my Chromecast! Thần Điêu Đại Hiệp 1983 Tập 1 par online-entertainmentCô Gái Đồ Long 1986 Tập 21 par online-entertainment

Like everybody I own 2 TVs, one TV with kick ass 4K, 3D, internet etc .. and one normal Samsung TV. I wanted to connect my Samsung to internet and …There comes the true revolution: Chromecast 2.


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I am sleeping normally without any interruption at normal hours. No more gas or stomachaches, I can eat everything I want meaning: spicy food or fried chicken legs without acid reflux or heavy feelings in the stomach. No more big belly after a meal with lots of liquids… and a real pleasure to go to […]


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The french election results in my town and my department is really logical to my own thoughts. The french far left leader came 1st. Poor people are quite generous and open minded. My department results: 34 % My town results: 35.65 % I am glad to see that the extreme right leader had barely 13 […]

holY MolY!

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I wanted to track down the singer behind the 1st soundtrack of the movie Logan and I forgot the lovely melody. I just found it among the list of saddest songs of all time. I would have never ever guessed the person behind that deep voice and .. his age! Hurt by Johnny Cash Another […]


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Finally, a normal stomach! Everything is feeling right meaning nothing special about my acid reflux or abnormal diarrhea while eating spicy food! My parents and my brother had their heating system fixed. A valve was turned OFF instead of ON and it took the technician 2 minutes to fix their simple problem.


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I went to Chinatown in Paris and I was waiting in the queue for my favorite Vietnamese sandwich. The woman in front of me had a code bar as a tattoo in the back of her neck! Code bar: PHOTO LINKS


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The headache lingered almost the whole day but it is gone now. My stomach is still a bit messed up but all the effects of the drugs are slowly decreasing at the end of the day. For years, I’ve learned to live with stomach aches. In reality, there is nothing special with my stomach except […]

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