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On a regular basis, I am having lunch with my ex-colleague from my previous job. She also left her previous position but she remained in the same company. Her current big drama is her 2 old kids and she is having a very hard time. With no diploma and no goals, her kids are having […]

Since this nice mobile offer: 100 Gb on 4G , this is my whole internet setting at the fastest speed for only 3 E/m:

mY dOctOR!

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I think I am lucky to have this old man as my doctor. He is very direct and I enjoy his wit and his sharp tongue. The old man made it clear to me that he did not like the way I asked him to cancel the colonoscopy. He called me today at 19:45 and […]

So I wrote 2 days ago about the data I used for internet and I wished I had more on 4G. Today FREE just granted my wish and they increased their offer to 100 Gb for the deal I was on and they also offered another with UNLIMITED 4G (not interested at the moment). 100 […]

Geez! Such a nice feeling! I can feel and hear my heart pumping the blood. The final release of adrenaline is making my whole body feel so good.

mOre DatA!

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In less than 25 days, I consumed all my 50 + 20 = 70 Gb on 4G (both Sim cards). I still use my ADSL to download movies during night time so it is definitely not enough! I must use more than 300 Gb per month in data. I am a real ogre when it […]

I love eating green tea leaves: the smell and the taste are 1000 times stronger! It has become a real habit and it is very enjoyable. It has a lot of health benefits. The in-take of flavanoids, the anti-oxidants, in the green tea leaves is multiplied by a factor of more than 10 000 percent, […]


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I can certainly feel the difference between running 10 kms without 1/3 of my blood or running 10 kms with all my blood: pure pain or pure pleasure. The doctor was extremely surprised when I told him the day they discovered the loss of blood that I ran 10 kms 3 days ago so the […]

10 kms!

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My old friend, Mr. PAIN is back and I am glad he is back for my 10 kms. Mr. PAIN is my “lazy-me”. I am always trying to cheat or lie to Mr PAIN in order to finish my 10 kms. There is nothing better than 10 kms to feel good. No more stopping and […]


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I asked my doctor to cancel the useless colonoscopy and he refused. After the examination, the doctor did not insist and he let me go without anything special. I knew there was nothing special except that my body doesn’t like whisky and it will just bleed. Anyways, the colonoscopy is quite expensive so I probably […]

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