This is what I thought for quite some times now. The endurance sports are  the most effective weapons against time. They are quite painful but they are really good for the whole body! It is not only that, I do feel really good after a long 8 miles run (10 km). The feeling is so intense that once […]

I had undergone 5 “body section radiographies” since 2014: my teeth, my left foot and my liver and I never sent back the part that I had to pay myself. I just realized that from my last radiography that cost 106 Euros and I had to pay 46 Euros from my pocket. I sent them all […]

I sent the proof from the Toyota garage showing the “time spent” by the technician who was supposed to check my car: 10 mins. The email was not only sent to the insurance company but also to the company that was supposed to check my car. I asked a simple question to the insurance: How much does […]

i Lost It!

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It felt so damn good to loose your temper and to let it flow like a torrent through your mind. Toyota at 8:46 am I was very angry at the stupid technician who was supposed to check my car and who just left after 10 min without waiting for me. I unleashed my anger at the Toyota […]

My new European driving licence is pretty compared to the ugly old one:

The regular tests came back as normal. The amount of the Hepatis B DNA went down: 05 May 2015: 3.85 log (7 114 Ul/ml) 01 December 2015: 4.31 log (20631 Ul/ml) 16 July 2016: 3.85 log (7083 Ul/ml) The scanner of my liver is normal as well. I am in good shape.

JuicE dAy!

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Today will be an all green day: Ananas + Oranges + Apple + Veggies.

I went to Chinatown again and this time I checked the small lunch boxes sold by old Vietnamese women in the street: Vietnamese raviolis! First, I was told 5 Euros for a huge box and I was not too keen on trying those yet. I asked another woman who had more varieties of smaller boxes and it […]

I just made a short visit to the freaky “undernet world” using ToR (encrypted browser). I left quickly! It is worse than any horror movie that I have seen. Article in “Down the rabbit hole, there is horror land!” Make sure that you understand the last sentence of the article if you want to […]

Very Good movie with high rating 7.6/10 (26 203 votes): Me before you Who would have guessed that the naive chick played “Daenerys Targaryen” in Game of Thrones. Unsteady from X Ambassadors: I enjoyed it while watching the French – Portugal soccer final which was quite boring!

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