It took me a lot of self-convincing to go and to watch this movie: The Light Between. It is however very good. It makes me wonder if such love exists.

I started a very harsh diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits since Monday (some meat and Tofu). I forced myself to finish 35 Euros of veggies. Almost 2 kgs gone. I will stop at my ideal weight 59 kgs. I am currently at 60.6 kgs now. RATATOUILLE: POTAGE PEKINOIS: YOUTUBE LINK

tOoL Box!

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My dad gave me 2 tool boxes for repairs (my bike mainly). It turned out that my neighbors kept on borrowing these tools now and then. Funny! I rarely use them myself!

8 mIleS!

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1st mile: My feet and my legs were screaming 2nd mile: The upper body started to feel the pain 3rd mile: Panic time in the lungs 4th mile: the whole body was in pain 5th-till the end: the body in cruise mode. no more pain! It wasn’t pleasant this morning!

Just beautiful! There are a bunch videos about Juwel tanks. It really makes me want to have my own fish tank!


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For two weeks, I wondered where this acid and acrid smell came from when I opened my fridge. I also cleaned it perfectly but the smell lingered. I finally found out the origin of the smell: lemon’s skin. I bought 4-5 lemons and they emit this strange odor. My cold does not seem very serious. […]


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I caught a cold just before I received the flu vaccine :)! Ironic, isn’t it? My throat is sore and I am a bit feverish. I will probably cough if it does not go away quickly. On the bright side, I lost 1.5 kgs because I ate more veggies.

I bought the flu vaccine and I shot myself in the parking lot right away. Easy peacy! My shoulder was a bit numb for few minutes. I could barely feel it. I always wondered if I get deep enough inside the skin. I did not push the needle vertically but at 45 degrees. I did […]


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I did not know that cans of sardines can be kept over 10 years and that they taste better just like wine (if you return the can every now and then): The price is a bit more expensive: LINK


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Last night, I saw the Adam’s family car advancing right in the middle of the street and stopping. The “fat boy” ran back to look for his father. I asked him if he needed help to push the car. His answer: “No but she, referring to his mother, is completely suicidal”. I simply said OK […]

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