tHe LaW!

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What most people do not know about french law is: you can sue any company yourself for an amount of money below 10 000 Euros (or even higher). Most companies are afraid of the court because they would simply loose time and money defending themselves and most of the time they are wrong! However you […]

mY tEmper!

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After 2 years and half, I discovered that 5 master badges (they program all other badges) of our 2 buildings and our 2 parking doors have been lost. I tried to negotiate a price to program again these 5 master badges. The commercial’s mistake: “The commercial dude told me that I cannot have whatever I wanted and that type of request would cost everyone 500 […]

After 4 months of waiting for the reimbursement of my car accident, I lost patience. I picked up the phone and I ordered 2 things: I would like to change the lawyer who is taking care of my case. I would like to challenge in court not only the other insurance company but also my […]


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Firefighters came and took the woman from the Adam’s family to the hospital on a stretcher.

Hate or love movie type: CAPTAIN FANTASTIC. I enjoyed this movie even though I did not buy its ideas. His wife and himself rejected their parents’ education so why he did not expect the same behaviors from his own kids one day or another? The kids will make their own decisions. It does not really matter whether their parents […]


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Yesterday I went down to the parking lot and I noticed a broken glass on my neighbor’s car (next door). I went back to warn her about it and I told her to make a complaint and request a refund. She opened the door wearing a T-shirt and only panties! I probably have seen more […]

This is how much weight I lost 3 kgs. A healthy and a lean body!

12 hOurS!

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I took me 12 hours to figure out how to modify the BIOS on the Packard Bell and on my Asus gamer laptop to recognize the USB flash drive. I had to stay up until 6 am to finally get it right. As soon as it was done, it was so easy to install Windows […]


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One of my neighbor gave me a good graphic card. I plugged the graphic card in my brother/parents old Packard bell desktop. The computer works like a charm. These old Packard bell desktops are really unbreakable. I am glad I could fix it. I even installed windows 10 on it.

That was a nice 8 miles run. It is funny how the mind avoids to do the right things: 1. Running 2. Eating vegetables 3. Reading I really do not care if I will live long (and prosper). All I really want is to avoid being sick.

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