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The bottom of my blender detached itself and the steamy soup splashed on my hand. Three fingers got burned. It was probably only 1st order burning (superficial) but the skin was sore and painful during an hour. I had to keep my hand under cold water. I went for a run this morning and I […]


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I am trying whitening strips. They fit perfectly to my teeth for a whole hour. It is very comfortable and really clean. I have 28 strips to try and to see if my teeth are getting whiter.

57 kgs!

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Geez my diet is extremely effective, I am now down to 57.2 kgs: This is my main meal for the last 3 weeks. I forced myself to eat all the soup I made with the powefull blender I bought. The mixture is made of all the vegetables of the soup. I only use bones with […]

bAd Day!

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1. Almost got sick from a cold yesterday, my throat was sore around 4 am. 2. I had to deal with some minor administrative matters and I was not in the mood to do so. 3. My washing machine started to leak, the front door was not completely sealed. 4. I tried to find out […]


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I went last Sunday to vote for the french right primary. I really did not want to see Sarkozy again. Now that he is out of the way, I will vote for the center dude. Most immigrants around me voted the same way.

I wanted to help my neighbor with his parking controller so I knocked on his door to give him the controller. I was surprised when the woman who opened the door introduced herself as his wife. I noticed that 3-4 married couple were from “arranged marriages”. One day they are single and the next day […]

8 miLes

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Thanks to a healthy diet and a regular practice of sport I am back to my normal weight: 58 kgs. I am hoping to keep things like this for the rest of my life. It was hard to run the 8 miles this morning but I made it! I checked my heart beat and it […]

I found the book I loved to read when I was 12 years old thanks to Google, I think that Google has an AI in its algorithm and the AI is very advanced. Here are the keywords that allowed me to do so: “livre science fiction un jeune homme sauvage trouve une machine qui lui redonne […]

When I was in the court room, I listened to other people’s stories. Many of the trials were about building management issues and banking matters. There was one strange story, a mother and her daughter were sued for not paying the late interest fees on the daughter’s student loan. They spent more than 10 minutes […]

Finally, I attended the first and minor trial against my bank. The court room was full of people coming and waiting to be called. Most of the cases were just postponed for different reasons (missing documents, extra time, etc …) In my case, the judge will deliver the verdict in December, the 22nd 2016. I […]

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