g-A aNd B-a

Filed Under Daily

Good action’s list this week:

  1. Wikipedia’s contribution: 10 euros
  2. Install Windows 10 for “couscous dude”, perfect working machine for free.
  3. Help “couscous dude” taking an appointment for his wife to apply for the french nationality
  4. Fix “Couscous dude” laptop… he could not make a clean installation and was annoyed by 2 windows
  5. Give an old hommie 1 Euros

Bad actions:

  1. Threatening the car insurance lawyer
  2. Threatening the electrical company
  3. Threatening the cleaning company
  4. Threatening the elevator company


Things should balance out in the end. Getting money back and getting things fixed for free cannot be that bad. I should somehow tell “couscous dude” that I do not want his couscous meals. He gave me 2 times couscous meals to thank me and I had to throw them away.


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