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Good action’s list this week:
- Wikipedia’s contribution: 10 euros
- Install Windows 10 for “couscous dude”, perfect working machine for free.
- Help “couscous dude” taking an appointment for his wife to apply for the french nationality
- Fix “Couscous dude” laptop… he could not make a clean installation and was annoyed by 2 windows
- Give an old hommie 1 Euros
Bad actions:
- Threatening the car insurance lawyer
- Threatening the electrical company
- Threatening the cleaning company
- Threatening the elevator company
Things should balance out in the end. Getting money back and getting things fixed for free cannot be that bad. I should somehow tell “couscous dude” that I do not want his couscous meals. He gave me 2 times couscous meals to thank me and I had to throw them away.