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1284,91 Euros
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After 4 months of waiting for the reimbursement of my car accident, I lost patience. I picked up the phone and I ordered 2 things:
- I would like to change the lawyer who is taking care of my case.
- I would like to challenge in court not only the other insurance company but also my own insurance company for doing nothing to defend my interest.
The lawyer who is taking care of my case freaked out saying that it would cost thousands of Euros and that I would have to pay part of the cost. I told my lawyer that I am willing to pay part of the cost but the case will be challenged on Friday, October the 21st under my direct order and with someone else than her.
“Ce dernier a laissé un message téléphonique à un de mes collaborateurs confirmant l’envoi prochainement d’un chèque de 1284,91 € à votre ordre.”
TRANSLATION: A check of 1284.91 Euros will be sent to you soon.