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My car is worth a little bit more than I expected: 5 651 euros!

mY Car!

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My uncle checked my car and he said that the insurance will not reimburse 1500 Euros (estimation of the repair). Everyone had their little comment, so I wanted to check. Here is the law regarding the insurance: LINK If the car is still working but the repair is not “economically viable”: meaning the repair cost […]


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Besides visiting my cousins, uncle and aunt in Belgium, the second important reason of my visit was good food. It was delicious!


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I am new to selfies. They are very nice because they are snapshots of quick events that I could not catch with my semi-professional camera. These quick snapshots of time are precious to me! Flickr Link: 2016_Summer_Selfies_Allison

mOrE pHotos!

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A full day of hard work to catch crabs, oysters, winkles and hulls: Flickr Link: 2016_Summer_Caro

sUmmEr 2016!

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Very nice and enjoyable Saturday at the beach! Flickr link: Summer 2016


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I’ll go to Belgium next Friday and we’re planning to go to Thollen’s beach (The Netherlands) on Saturday to catch some crabs. 1. I prepared my tools: a nest, a tea filter (metal) and some kind of a “rope”. The tea filter will be used to hold and to protect my bait (raw meat) and […]


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I was shop seeing at my usual mall when, suddenly, I heard screams and I saw a man insulting and running after a black dude! Then the black guy speed up and dropped all his bags, he was desperately trying to escape but he was caught by the security guards. He was stealing and running away. […]

2016 September 20: Driver License’s recovery of 4 points lost due to a speeding ticket 2016 November 10: Regional court (Tribunal d’instance) against my bank to force them to remove all interests and to freeze the down payment during 2 years 2017 June 28: Industrial tribunal (prud’homme) against my ex-employer Until these dates just Wait […]

I enjoyed this book, Battlemage. I did not enjoy “Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children” but I could not stop reading the book. and I stopped reading over and over my old collection of books (Isaak Asimov and David Eddings’ books).

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