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fUnnY sATurDaY!
Filed Under Daily
I woke up at 7 am
I went for 8 miles run at 9:25 am: other runners smiled and waved kindly at me.
I fixed 2 lamps for a neighbor at the 5th floor.
I went to Chinatown at 12:00 to get my favorite Vietnamese sandwich.
I bought some bindweed (“liseron”= “rau muong”) and few mangosteen.
I was waiting in line when I saw Jonas (Diane’s husband) walking to the opposite direction. I ran after him and we met Diane for lunch.
Funny, I really did not expect to run into my cousin and her husband in Chinatown in Paris! It was their 10 years “together” anniversary. I reminded Jonas that this year at September the 20th, I will recover 4 points removed from my driving licence (speeding ticket) when I went to their wedding!
It was a lovely day!
lol quelle coincidence, incroyable probabilité
Diane ne m’a pas reconnu pendant au moins 2 sec alors que j’etais a côté de Jonas!
La probabilité était si mince que mes yeux restaient figés sur Jonathan.
Merci pour le sandwish 🙂
j’ai joué au loto le jour même tellement je trouvais la situation rare et j’ai gagné 5.4 Euros 🙂