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I am trying to force my bank to remove all interests on my loan during 2 years: it’s free and it would save 1110 Euros so I went to the court and I sued my bank. When I went to drop the administrative paperwork at the district court, I saw a homeless old man who tried to sue his own sister or daughter because he lost all his inheritance. The old man was hopelessly half crazy, he had enough wits to come to court and to annoy people there.

It is very useful to know that, in France, you can sue any company if the cost is below 10 000 Euros and it is free! You just fill out a legal form and drop it at the court. Then, you will defend yourself in front of a judge. It works most of the time if you respect the law:

  1. You find a legal case in your favor
  2. You try to negotiate with the bank (send all justifications and write a letter to the bank)
  3. The bank cannot find any counter legal argument and it is trying to delay
  4. If you have all the paperwork ready, just fill in the legal form and drop it at the court

So So So simple!

It will take 6 months to see the judge however if the bank keeps on delaying and not finding any counter legal argument maybe it will try to negotiate instead of loosing in front of a judge. It will put pressure on the bank to find a legal answer or to do things the way you want it to be done. It is worth a shot!


3 Responses to “bAnkinG!”

  1. minh on May 16th, 2016 1:13 pm

    anne a réussi a gagner 6000 euros et deux ans de réduction en renégotiant son emprunt bancaire

  2. admin on May 17th, 2016 7:54 am

    C’est plus facile quand on a un gros prêt. Je ne dois plus à la banque (sans le PTZ qui n’a aucun intérêt 44 k) que 33 647 Euros soit sur 2 ans à peine 1100 Euros d’intérêts.
    Dans mon cas, j’ai tout intérêt à les faire enlever par la justice …enfin peut-être que la banque le fera de son propre chef avec une assignation au tribunal!

    « En application de l’art L313-12 du CODE de la CONSOMMATION, l’emprunteur peut demander une diminution voire une suspension des échéances à payer, ceci pour durée maximale de 2 ANNEES et s’il y a lieu, une dispense de payer les intérêts correspondant. »

  3. minh on May 20th, 2016 9:00 am

    c est aussi mon cas alors je ferai les démarches quand j aurais le temps

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