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Fucked up movie! I had nothing to do but to go and watch this movie: Elle I would recommend NOT to watch this movie. Weird movie from a crazy mind!

bAd cOugh!

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It took almost a month and half to get over this horrible cough crisis. I could not stop the nervous-reflex cough that irritated my throat. No drugs was able to stop it also. It was the results of the flu (sore and sensitive throat) and the allergy that I developed as I get older to […]


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I am following the “Dealabs” website for good deals on internet and I found the watch I received as gift for my Bday, it is exactly the same watch and the comments are quite funny: Dealabs: LINK Comments: “On dirait une montre de fête foraine des années 80 = It looks like an 80s fairground […]


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X-men Apocalypse‘s premiere is tomorrow and I cannot wait to watch it! I bought an unlimited card for 21.90 Euros per month to go to the theater since I discovered a huge Mall center near the airport: Aeroville. It is open on Sunday too.

I was busy with some administrative matters last week trying remove the management company of my building (“Syndic de copropriétés”). The management company cost to all owners in the building 12 960 Euros per year. However, the building manager only took care of our accounting and nothing else. I was also tired of this building manager because he was really slow when […]


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I am trying to force my bank to remove all interests on my loan during 2 years: it’s free and it would save 1110 Euros so I went to the court and I sued my bank. When I went to drop the administrative paperwork at the district court, I saw a homeless old man who tried to sue […]

bUn Rieu!

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Homemade “Bun Rieu”, it is stinky enough to scare away most Europeans! However, it is scrumptious. It is even better the day after when I just have to heat the soup up.