Since I am friendly with the old ladies at the store, they always try to tell me if the “bone” is available. It’s just smoked cooked ham but it is delicious and very expensive. I prefer the “bone” part because it’s cheap with lots of meat. Today’s light dinner:

The ENT specialist (Ear-Nose-Throat specialist) simply said that my hearing tests were almost perfect. He did sense something near the range of 4000 Hz that might cause some minor events such as me hearing low frequencies — it was just the inner ear that reacted to some fatigue.

I’ve been receiving since few weeks spams through SMS and un-answered calls, it was annoying because it forced me to check my phone. Finally, I found a way to block them though my provider interface. There is indeed an option to selectively block unwanted incoming SMS numbers and incoming calls.


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“Je vais te tuer ma fille parce que tu nous pourris la vie= I will kill you, my daughter, because you made my life like hell”. It was a horrible article in “Lemonde” about the reality of a bad adoption. This article is an illustration of a sad situation where the kid didn’t like his/her life. The […]

This new method of payment allows me to pay my purchases that are below 20 euros without scanning my card and entering a code. I tried it three times but it did not work and finally someone told me that I needed to hold my card in front of the detector until the 4 lights turn “blue”. […]

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