thE fLu!

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It seems that I got the flu according to the doctor. I checked on the internet and it is true that the peak of the flu has not been reached yet and it is a type B. The B virus strain was not included in the vaccine I had. She gave me tons of stuffs to […]

a CoLd!

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I’ve got a bad version of a cold. I was stuck in bed for 3 days. My body is sore Day 1: fever + sore body Day 2: coughing and nose swelling Day 3: body sore, nose swelling and coughing I took an appointment with the doctor today even though it is getting better. It […]

I used to go to Red Lobster once in a while in the USA because I liked their expensive lobsters but also because I loved their garlic breads. I missed these hot crispy and scrumptious little breads they served as appetizers. I always asked for an extra basket. I bought two lobsters that were on […]

I attended the conciliation session yesterday at the employee claims court (“Conseil des prud’hommes”). It went smoothly and positively in my favor. The employer’s lawyer was very agitated when he learned that his long written conclusion was not read by the president. He had to improvise without preparation and he was obviously not prepared for that. My […]

Weird some posts have: “Comments are closed”

a gLitcH!

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A “strange situation” opened up new possibilities (maybe good ones). Until January 2016, I had the same income each month and I enjoyed life as much as I could during all this time. In February 2016, my income decreased. My unemployment benefit is lower than what I expected for the first 4 months due to a job I had in 2011 […]

It seems that I am qualified for something quite nice: a full tax exemption! A full tax exemption would be fantastic! I love this discovery and I will apply for it. Indeed, it’s worth 4 000 Euros if I get it.

“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 2” was quite nice compared to the last book. However the first 2 books were excellent and I read the first book again yesterday.

708 eUros!

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Two new identical pair of glasses and 4 packs of 90 “Daily/Trueye” contact lenses for free: I can spend as much as 708 Euros on these from my previous private insurance. So lets enjoy :)!


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A small test from my iPhone. I really enjoy gadgets.

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