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Aurore was my long time friend. I always thought that her family was “normal”. Her dad was very nice and he always took us to school for the first day. I learned that her parents had a problem with her second sister and that they did not have any contact with her other youngest sister as well.  Her second sister did not allow her parents to come and to meet her children. I asked Aurore if there was some kind of fight or argument and her answer was:

“No, there wasn’t anything as she far as she knew and that her sister was just too coward to stand up against her husband”

Her parents did not like the “husband”. I told Aurore that I would behave the exact same way as her sister and that I would reject my family because I would try to protect my OWN family.

Life is very crual in some ways! People think that their kids will love them for some magical unknown reasons… In fact, children will most likely hate their parents…

Why? Because most parents do not raise their kids to be a person, they try to create a projection of their minds. When the projection does not meet the reality, the parents do not understand the rejection.

I do not think that anyone did something wrong however life goes on as reality does not meet fiction!


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