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I love this TED conference video: How to spot a liar! Sooo true!

A zit inside my right eyebrow disappeared this morning. It burst out by itself. I was really annoyed by this tiny thing over a full year. It was tiny and invisible but why was it there for so long? A doctor tried to give me some antibotics to remove it unsuccessfully because it was under […]

I could not figured out why my pretty 4K TV is playing sound  on both of the internal and external speakers. Few days ago, I noticed a buzzing sound coming from the external speakers. I only wanted to hear the sound from the external speakers since they are a 5-surround system speaker with a kick […]

Of course you need a fancy 4K screen to enjoy these videos on a huge screen at full resolution :). Epic Hot Air Balloon Sample 4K UHD 4K UltraHD underwater Norway 4K Trail ends

It was very enjoyable having lunch with my cousin, Diane and my sister, Anne.  I was a bit surprised that my sister was not bigger since she was only 3 months away from giving birth. We talked about everything and nothing specifically. We are different but we are much more open-minded than our parents. Of […]

In one single day, I joined and quit a stupid group on facebook. I am really not a facebook person. It has the social feature I hate most: a bunch of losers with 2-3 big mouths and tons of sheeps. Not to mention the ugly low quality pictures of people in “selfies” mode….very disturbing!

Time flew so quickly on Saturday 04 April. I had a meeting with Aurore, my long time friend for lunch in Paris 13th. By the time, I came back it was already 16:00 and I went shopping. When I returned home it was 18:30. The whole day has gone so quickly.


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My Toyota Yaris underwent a check up at the Toyota workshop. It seems that the air flow intake system was defective for many Yaris built in 2009. Anyways, Toyota will replace many things in my car on Monday 27 April for free. They even detected the cause of a small noise in my car and […]

I cleaned up every corner and hidden places in my studio. It makes me feel great. I have 2 more weeks of “sick leave” to enjoy :). I made several appointments and a list of administrative matters to complete quickly before I go back to work. My work with the association does not require my […]

I subscribed to a B&YOU phone deal: 3.99 Euros / month and it gave me access to another 6 Gb data SIM card for 1 Euro / month on 4G. 4.99 per month: 2H phone + Unlimited SMS + 6 Gb data transfer on an extra SIM card! It is the cheapest deal ever on […]

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