Y nOt!

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I bought the Iphone 6S 128 Gb for several reasons:

1. I need a new toy to play with and my Iphone 4S is getting outdated
2. I wanted something that has 4G LTE Advanced (300 Mbit/50 Mbit – Dl/Up)
3. I had 159 Euros in gift cards to spend from my ex-company 🙂
4. Just after Christmas, the store added a nice commercial offer: 10 % back in coupons (= 90 Euros)

The Iphone 6S 128 Gb cost me only 700 Euros in cash so it was a really good deal! I doubt anyone gets a better deal at the moment for such gadget!

I just noticed that the bluetooth hands-free kit in my car worked again. I am not sure if it was due to the fact that I cracked my old Iphone 4S that it was screwed up for a while. I could not crack this Iphone 6S yet, I will have to wait for the release of the program in few weeks.

I am really happy with this new expensive Iphone 6S.


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