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da bUildIng!
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It will be soon 2 years that I moved in this new building. Things were getting better after a year of struggling with all companies involved. Most people living in the building came and asked me first when they had a problem. It was a side effect I did not really want but, at least, they did not try to fix something on their own creating more problems.
If I cannot help people or do it myself in 10 min, I just told them how and where they could find the solution. Usually, they give up because they just want a quick solution to their problems.
I made the mistake of giving my opinion to a long time friend about her family problem a month or two ago and I have not heard from her again. I really should not try to give my opinion to anyone.
I am good with technology and I am pragmatic when it comes to fix a problem. I am not very good at giving advice.