I received an email this morning asking me to clarify my vision if I was “the new director” and to make some propositions to develop the project and the goals of the association. It did sound like they want to push further! This job offer is a chance of a lifetime and it seems that the interview did not […]

I had 2 hours of sleep on Thursday because I had a job interview on Friday at 15:30 in Nancy. It took me 4 hours to drive to Nancy and 4 hours to drive back. I did not eat and my stomach hurt. I did not perform well I think during the interview. One dude tried to […]

There was a tree (“a birch“) that died during my first year here and I kept on asking the company that I fired to replace it according to their contract. They did not believe that I could engage in a very serious battle with them for one single dead tree. After 6 months of an […]


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Two postmen came 2 times today to ask my feedback about their new postal service and they wanted me to correct one small mistake on my online form. I explained to them the loopholes in their registration system. Despite my mistake, the postal service tried to find my place because I was the FIRST who succeeded so far. It seems that this service is […]


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I just downloaded the EXTENDED version of “The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Army” I really enjoyed the extra scenes, at the end, it was much more intimate and deep than the cinema version.

Woman in Gold: Not my type of a “feel good movie” usually but after 5 min I could not quit. It got me to cry few times!

nEw Host!

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Since my parents just canceled their Free account recently, I will move my site back to my own account. The forwarding link remains the same of course: http://ptran.redirectme.net This is the new host! WordPress + Php + SQL server + ftp transfer: 5 hours of my life to look exactly the same in a new location!

dEjA vU!

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I had lunch on a regular basis with my old colleague and we’ve talked about her oldest kid (~21 years old I think). She is trying to teach him responsibilities. It was fun when she told me that her son found his GF on internet, that his GF came and lived with them the past 6 […]

There was a funny quote from the movie “Selfless“: “Look at that. The oldest, she just turned seven. Damian: They’re cute at that age. Before they grow claws and sharp-pointed teeth. “


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I heard a vendor helping a customer today at a store. The customer asked if he could install all his favorite programs from his PC to his tablet. The answer from the vendor was that “the tablet might not have the power to install the programs that were on his computer”. The true answer was: tablets do not […]

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