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There was a beautiful song on the radio yesterday in the car when I was on my way to the market. I am trying to find it but no luck so far. It was so sad therefore I am trying again today.
I finally understand why I cannot help people with their internet/phone, gas, electricity or even car insurance bills. Indeed, they only have a small “window of time” in the day to dedicate to these matters. Also, they never tried to cancel a current deal to get a new one so here are the list of their fears:
- cancellation fees
- no connection during the transfer
- loosing their current phone number
- ignorance about their existing contract (12/24 months or no cancellation fees)
Nowadays, I simply told them where they can get the information about the existing cheapest deals and how much I pay for each of them. Maybe someday, they will find time to optimize their bills.
Most of them pay in a month what I pay in a year: meaning 6 to 12 times more! I also discovered that they do not even use the most valuable of their resources properly: Internet to gather information or to compare. They only use Internet for few things: Facebook, emails and maybe some administrative matters.