mY rOuTine!

Filed Under Daily

  1. Nike+ Kinect training: LINK
  2. 8 Min Abs Workout: LINK
  3. Chest workout Home: LINK

These exercises are quite hard if you follow the program seriously and the Kinect + Xbox 360 is doing a great job at detecting your body frame. The weather is rainy so I have less opportunities to run or to use my bike daily but I like Autumn with the change of the colors all around me: the trees and the leaves.

I also accidentally hit my right foot hard on the stupid rowing machine that I sold two months ago and I can still feel a little bit of discomfort. I went to check with the doctor and it is some minor inflammation of the tendon or joints. The doctor gave the regular stuff I already used and some extra local cream for a massage. Nothing really serious and i barely felt it nowadays but I do  not want to run again while I still feel something.


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