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A clean jailbreak of iOS 9.0.2 has been released (Download Pangu 9 1.0.1 for Windows): LINK
Now, I need the latest Tomtom Western European, version 1.21 for it! I am downloading it now. It looks like that Free.fr is loosing its “relay” deals with other internet providers. I do not get the 4G strong signal from my studio anymore on my hotspot. I guess all good things come to an end!
Do not to play with the above instructions if you are not a professional and that you enjoy a nice looking Iphone 6 or Iphone 6S with a perfect iOS 9.0.2.
Since I am a geek and a weirdo, I always enjoyed tricky things that only I can manipulate and it takes hours and hours of tweaking that not many people enjoy doing!