B-A Week!

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1. I received a little reward for helping the 2 brothers with their laptop: a plate with my name decorated with colored sand. 2. I took out the trash bins yesterday at 23:00, the person in charge must have had a problem and he thanked me this morning. The 4 bins full of trash would […]

58 kGs!

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That is my perfect weigh! 2 full months of a healthy diet and regular exercises that was all I needed!

I can feel that this is the right time to make the leap and change everything in my life. I just do not know how. Things do not change if I try to go back to the “normal” loop: “work, sleep, play games!” Something is obviously missing and I even got annoyed by “annoying other” […]

To the cunning reply, I chose to play it cool and I tried to outsmart the person I talked to in a gentle manner: Me: Dear Mr. XXX, Your reply was one of the most elegant ones I received even though it contained a trace of controlled anger. However, I do insist on having an […]

Since I became the “person” in charge of the building. Companies that work for us and that are under a contract of maintenance with us hate me. They rarely missed an opportunity to tell me their feelings one way or another to my direct reminders (emails). However, I probably received today the most elegant reply […]

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