I am aiming at this new toy, the Nikon D810A, I really want to buy it! This would be a marvelous toy: LINK

hUm HuM!

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What a stupid event, I finally downloaded the cracked version of Tomtom Western Europe (v 1.2, latest) and I upgraded nicely. It worked all fine but 1 program would not upgrade anymore. Stupidly, I rushed into iOS 9.0.1 the latest version for Iphone. Since the jailbreak has not been released, my cracked version of Tomtom […]

Not doing anything but: playing WoW watching movies reading online websites downloading new movies listening to good youtube songs That’s the plan!

I just manually upgraded the WordPress program: WordPress 4.3.1. It is a major update since I could not do it before my internet provider switched to PHP 5.6.8 . Therefore my blog is now up-to-date with the latest programming code! I can use all the new applets! Weee! Geez… everything could have gone wrong! So smooth and nobody […]

I laughed few times watching this flick: Spy

bAck in Time!

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June 05 2011 – September 19 2015 My tie did get better but it was not me who did this artwork this time! I had help.

We had the traditional BBQ on Sunday after the wedding. I wondered why we had oysters for the BBQ but my best guess was that they were on sale!: Flickr LINK. Then I went to check Diane and Jonas’ new house. It was a huge house and they can fit both of our families and […]

I love the photos. The day was not all shiny but the light was perfect for me. This is my gift to my cousin Anne! There is one more hidden gift but it will take me for ever to compress her dance movie! Anne’s Wedding: Flickr link Dancing Videos:

da pHotos!

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The photos are being uploaded to my Flickr account however, since I decided to keep the whole picture size on Flickr, it will take some times to upload 1.3 Gb of 220 photos! I am quite happy I did not miss many photos this time and some were really beautiful.

Anne/Thao’s weeding was special for one personal reason for me: I will be 40 next year! We are getting old and the next generation is already taking over. Chris’ dad speech resonated in my brain! He apologized 2 or 3 times about the way things were done in his time. At the same time, he […]

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