
Filed Under Daily

If people in my building would give up 5 things, they would save few bucks per year:

1. Smoking (5 cigarettes / day = 557 Euros / year)

2. Animals (cats: 600 Euros / year or dogs 800 Euros / year)

3. Expensive internet deals just for emails, facebook and TV (360 Euros / year)

4. Expensive phone deals (120 Euros / year)

5. Credit card (42 Euros / year)

Total: 1679 Euros / year

The poorest people in the building have all the above and  they don’t want to think about the cost. When I told them that I only paid 2 Euros per year for my internet and phone (same as theirs)… Some people just would not believe it or they thought that I was just …”lucky”.


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