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There was a serious problem with the sewer at building B and I set my mind to fix it:
2 enormous trucks blocked the whole “boulevard”
6 huge dudes came (twice my height and 3 times my size!)
They told me that they only followed orders from someone called “Mr Guedon” when I started to give them instructions and opened the front door of the building. I stood in my corner alone and I waited quietly until “Mr Guedon” came and “Mr Guedon”gave his instructions to the 6 men. He told two guys that they can leave since they are not really needed here now.
I said to “Mr Guedon” and the 6 big dudes:
“Please stay here until my problem is solved, I do not want to spend another day about this problem!”
The 6 big dudes were looking at “Mr Guedon” who accepted quietly. They said nothing but they understood that I was not only there to watch and to say nothing. I was there to check their work.