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A weirdo tried to teach his 2 dogs how to behave when I came on my bike. One of the dog was freaking out when he saw my bike and the master shouted to him to bite my “huge thigh” (“mords les grosses cuisses! mords les!”). He was dead serious about that and he shouted several times the same thing to his freaky dog.

I was like .. “dUh! What the f*ck”

Luckily the dog was running away and he was scared by the bike but the master is a real werdo!


2 Responses to “fUnNy!”

  1. coura on July 26th, 2015 4:38 am

    HAHAHAHAH SO funnyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! C’aurait ete moins rigolo si le chien avaitt obei hein! mais dis donc c’est tropppppp rigolo 😀

  2. admin on July 26th, 2015 3:43 pm

    euh …. j’etais un peu désarçonné par les cris du maître pour pleinement apprécier l’humour du moment. mais après coup j’ai rigolé!

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