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My sister had her boy today at 14:00 : 3.140 kgs and 47 cms :). No picture yet!


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Retrospectively, I found many of the events I experienced so .. normal. Breaking boundaries and going further gave me more insight into the way things work. The reality is, everything is so simple and so normal. It is our own expectations that made them extraordinary.

Yesterday, two little boys (7-9 years old) knocked at my door, they came in and asked me to repair their Wifi. They live in the next building. They told me that they saw my screens that is why they came. It seems that these screens are my real signature. I spent 25 minutes to fix the […]

mY B-A!

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I went to the hospital to get my last blood tests results. There was a problem with the machine that delivers tickets. Everyone was annoyed until someone came and fixed it. But the machine failed again after the guy left. Everyone was horrified and tried to look for that dude. I walked straight to the […]


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I posted few weeks ago this video, it is really useful in my every day life: How to spot a liar! I applied all the examples in the video to my life… Geez it is so true. I started to remember all the “visible” signs: 1. the eyes: avoiding direct eye contact during the lie […]

uGlY bOy!

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Hum … hypnotical: Ugly boy by Die Antwoord


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I bought my very first lamb leg (small piece) today. It was very fresh and very clean. I immediately noticed the white color (no blood). Since it is Ramadan, many Arabic food is on sale in my small store. It tastes the same but much cleaner I found. When I was young I thought they […]


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Nice tune: Listen to the man by George Ezra


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I did not get the free smartwatch Samsung :-(. Another time! I did get another nice deal with Groupon and Fortuneo online banking: 80 Euros cash + 80 Euros credits on Groupon. Let’s see how this deal goes. I would like to get the Gold Mastercard as well because there is a lot of insurances […]


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I got the “freebies” bug.  Here are my freebies this week:

keep looking »