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“tU vEux dU cOuscOus?”
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I just arrived to the garage on my bike and this dude whom I never talked to asked me this question:
“Do you want some couscous?” I tried to mumble some excuses but he insisted so I finally said yes because I had the impression that there was something else.
He came back and gave me a plate full of couscous made by his wife. He explained to me that she called me few days ago and she asked me about the possibility to move to a bigger place. I finally understood his real motive. The situation of this couple, who just had a baby, is a bit complicated because they are part of a social program and they have to make a formal request to the mayor in order to be on a social waiting list.
I told him that the price of what he wanted was 950 Euros per month without social help. He understood and thanked me for my explanations.
I am used to the “food for thought” program in my building now. Most people who need my help try to give me food …:). I will become fat if the program continues :).
et le couscous il etait bon au moins? 🙂
Pas trop mon plat préféré mais je dois me convertir a la cuisine arabe si le programme continue :).