I helped another family in the building with a neighborhood’s problem type (dog’s poo). I had the chance to visit their place and I was really impressed. I thought they were chaotic and everything but I was really wrong. Their apartment was really beautiful and extremely well organised. They are from Tunisia with Caucasian type. […]

bAD sTart!

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A stinky Vietnamese pickle forced me to clean the whole refrigerator. Very annoying but it is done! It had to be cleaned someday anyways because of the accumulation of ice inside. I met the “couscous” dude and his wife on the train yesterday on my way to Paris for my Vietnamese sandwich. They asked me […]

I just arrived to the garage on my bike and this dude whom I never talked to asked me this question: “Do you want some couscous?” I tried to mumble some excuses but he insisted so I finally said yes because I had the impression that there was something else. He came back and gave […]

So here I am in a strange and deadly mental game. From the outside world, nothing has changed but inside everyone is watching the next move. So far everything has gone the way the inspector has predicted!


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My baby car (Toyota Yaris) is back and fully functional without any engine light! I love the smooth sound that came out of the engine. I really think that all the part replacements improved the engine greatly. I also received the blood test results. The virus is active but it is at 3.85 log or […]

Hummmm… I called the Toyota workshop and they told me that a specialist from Toyota France will check my car. They will have to block another day for it. It seems that the problem might be more serious than just the motor’s controller and my car might be a “model” in this type of defect […]

In fact, they took 4 more blood samples. Strange, I am hoping they did not discover anything wrong. It is a virus level check of the Hepatitis B. The Toyota workshop will try to order the motor’s calculator this week. I went back to work on Monday under a “therapeutic” work program. I will only […]


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So I went this morning for a blood test and the technician only took 2 samples of my blood. I received a call in the evening to go back so that they can get a 3rd one…Geez!!!! It really seems that the whole world around me is playing tricks on me just for the sake […]


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I won 3 times small amounts of money at the lottery the last 3 weeks: 11.90 + 21.50 + 5.30 = 38.2 Euros