A zit inside my right eyebrow disappeared this morning. It burst out by itself. I was really annoyed by this tiny thing over a full year. It was tiny and invisible but why was it there for so long? A doctor tried to give me some antibotics to remove it unsuccessfully because it was under […]

I could not figured out why my pretty 4K TV is playing sound  on both of the internal and external speakers. Few days ago, I noticed a buzzing sound coming from the external speakers. I only wanted to hear the sound from the external speakers since they are a 5-surround system speaker with a kick […]

Of course you need a fancy 4K screen to enjoy these videos on a huge screen at full resolution :). Epic Hot Air Balloon Sample 4K UHD 4K UltraHD underwater Norway 4K Trail ends

It was very enjoyable having lunch with my cousin, Diane and my sister, Anne.  I was a bit surprised that my sister was not bigger since she was only 3 months away from giving birth. We talked about everything and nothing specifically. We are different but we are much more open-minded than our parents. Of […]

In one single day, I joined and quit a stupid group on facebook. I am really not a facebook person. It has the social feature I hate most: a bunch of losers with 2-3 big mouths and tons of sheeps. Not to mention the ugly low quality pictures of people in “selfies” mode….very disturbing!

Time flew so quickly on Saturday 04 April. I had a meeting with Aurore, my long time friend for lunch in Paris 13th. By the time, I came back it was already 16:00 and I went shopping. When I returned home it was 18:30. The whole day has gone so quickly.

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