3 oUt of 100!

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So I was told that my car, which was stuck at the garage workshop, belonged to the lucky number of 3/100 of cars that needed a full replacement and for which other weird and unusual problems occurred. After my lens that had a bad correction, now my car and my conflict with my company because […]

I helped the young lady (the young black couple) with her “curriculum vitae” printing and another resident in the building with his new internet box. Looks like I am tagged as the “tech guy” in the building. They all came and asked for help when it comes to something related to technical issues (TV, internet, […]

My Toyota was recalled at the workshop for repair and here are the components that were replaced: 1. The turbocharger 2. The exhaust gas cooler 3. The compressor and the filter However something went wrong and the motor’s calculator blew up and now they have to replace this component too and it will take few […]


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I was very happy that they replaced some new stuffs in my Toyota Yaris today. However, the “engine light” is always on and it scared me a bit when I left the workshop. I will have to take it back tomorrow so that they can either reset and turn it off or tell me what […]


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See you Again by Wiz Khalifa feat Charlie Puth Cool by Alosa

I have been spending a lot of this private insurance’s money. I think I am spending money for all my colleagues: Total: 1601 Euros / year

tHe WhYs!

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As I get older, I find this mental exercise very interesting. When I talk to people, I always ask very straightforward questions. My intention is not really to annoy anyone. I just want to know the limit of their knowledge. I am very polite but extremely determined to get the answers! If I notice an […]

My neighbors rewarded me with food for my help. I got chicken wings yesterday from Malika and today I had a sweet desert(Chè) from Diep, my Vietnamese neighbor. I helped Malika with her heater and her computer and I created a blog and taught Diep how to use it. Diep is moving out soon and I […]

I went to the ophthalmologist to get a new prescription for contact lenses. I showed him the old prescription I used to buy my new glasses on January 2015. After measuring the lenses, he said: “very strange …The left lens had 1 degree less compared to the prescription (meaning -1 instead of -2)” I was […]


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I love this TED conference video: How to spot a liar! Sooo true!

keep looking »