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I really enjoy the chorus of the song: Runaway by Galantis

Each year, I buy new glasses either for my parents or for myself since it is fully reimbursed by my private insurance. My new glasses cost about 430 Euros and I only pay from my pocket 12 Euros. I will get back transition glasses and I asked for a brown shade when the glasses change […]


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I could not resist this 27″ screen that was on sale (169 Euros instead of 249 Euros) LCD LG 27MP35HQ: LINK


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I am very happy with my new PC. It can do everything I think of and it is so nice. I am playing WoW on ultra mode and I see all the details of the game. It is trully beautiful. I can see the grass, I can see all the special effects during a fight: […]


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My laptop is getting old and noisy. My favorite game World of Warcraft is really heavy and I can no longer play it at its highest resolution. I jumped on this opportunity and grabed a kick ass computer that was on sale for 1399 Euros (1699 before) and I had 114 Euros in gift cards […]

The last boss of this expansion of WoW died today at 1:30 am. A  pick up group, whose’s leader was Urts, killed the bastard. I did not lead the fight, I just assembled the group of kick ass players who invited me again to play the game on Hard Mode. My ilvlel was only 645!

Unlike previous years, I have no resolution list this year. I rarely succeeded in completing those anyways. I read the news this morning and 36 unlucky souls found death in Shangai. What a sad way of starting the year, dieing and brining pain to others at a happy event. Maybe life is not all about […]